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Our approach is to combine thought leadership, industry expertise, and technology excellence to deliver innovative solutions for our customers. You can read more of our thoughts below:
Big Data & Analytics More Posts

Big Data is a Big Bust! (Unless You Do the Little Things First)
Big Data is a Big Bust! (Unless You Do the Little Things First) Big data is the current buzz word and is all the rage. Big data this, big data that – I think even the Girl Scouts announced a big data initiative recently. This truly is great news, and I have been preaching the […]
Enterprise Cloud Computing More Posts

Physicians Need To Look To The Cloud!
Physicians Need to Look to the Cloud! It might be hard to believe, but one of the last professional groups to have an interest in the cloud is physicians – yet they have the most to benefit from its capabilities. Traditionally, healthcare providers have never been early adopters of technology or seen as information technology […]
Healthcare More Posts
For Providers CRM Is the Answer, Just Not Right out of the Box!
Unfortunately providers often view a CRM tool to be the magic bullet and expect that it will cure much of what ails them (yes, pun intended). They also expect it to be mostly ready to go out of the box, and easy to configure and start using. In most industries this is somewhat true. You […]
Marketing More Posts

The Benefits of a Website’s Robust Back-Office
The Benefits of a Website’s Robust Back-Office When designing a website, a lot of time and energy goes into how the website will look to the public. Often times, the website team will focus on questions like: Will it match the Business and Trade Associations’ brand Should it incorporate a news feed How about top […]