Our Thoughts – Marketing
Bluestone Consulting Group offers an array of marketing program management services to fit your organization’s needs. Whether you’re a small nonprofit or a high tech enterprise, our expertise will help you excel in reaching your audience and achieving growth. Learn more about Bluestone’s marketing program management services.

The Benefits of a Website’s Robust Back-Office
The Benefits of a Website’s Robust Back-Office When designing a website, a lot of time and energy goes into how the website will look to the public. Often times, the website team will focus on questions like: Will it match the Business and Trade Associations’ brand Should it incorporate a news feed How about top […]

Planning for a Sucessful Tradeshow
Planning for a Successful Tradeshow Success – you’ve secured exhibit space at one of the most well attended tradeshows/conferences for the mortgage industry; the payment has been sent and now you’re ready to sit back and relax until the day of the event, right? Sure, take that approach if you want to blend in with […]

Perceived vs. Real Value. Do You Know the Difference?
Perceived vs. Real Value. Do You Know the Difference? Marketing your products and services is a never ending challenge. When thinking about unique ways to market, consider perceived vs. real value. Perceived value is essentially the customer’s subjective opinion of value. In many cases, it may have nothing to do with price. It’s simply about […]

Analytics (So Much More…)
Analytics (So Much More…) During a recent partner meeting, the topic of ‘marketing analytics’ came up – it’s amazing how one topic can bring a sudden hush over the room. Certainly everyone has their opinions and interpretations on this topic and no one can deny that analytics is one of the hot topics these days […]